This online spiritual direction is a process of one-to-one conversation between you and a spiritual companion to help you understand how God is at work in your daily life.  A spiritual companion will be available to offer a listening ear and support in a trusting environment to help you look at your relationship with God and respond to God’s invitation in the spiritual practice of your daily life.

Spiritual direction is for you if …….

  • You are serious with your prayer life and has been praying regularly.
  • You desire to explore your experiences of God with a trusted spiritual companion.
  • You want to deepen your spiritual life journey and awareness of how God is communicating with you in your life.
  • You are seeking for a deeper personal and spiritual growth in your faith journey.

Spiritual conversations can be conducted on the telephone via video call or whatever way that works best for you and the spiritual companion.  These sessions will be treated with utmost confidentiality and respect.

If you feel a need to have regular spiritual direction, please click here to Register.  We will get back to you as soon as we find a spiritual companion who is available for you.  If you need further assistance, please drop an email to