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A workshop is led by a facilitator who is an experienced retreat director.  There will be time for presentations, questions, prayers, and small group sharings.  

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Geoffrey (Monty) Williams, SJ

    Date: May 2 - 6, 2023

    Time: 8 - 10 pm

    Venue: Loyola Hall, SFX, Petaling Jaya

    Topics to be presented:

    1.  Ignatian Spirituality for Today with an emphasis on using the daily Examen to remain on one’s spiritual path

    2. On Discerning Our Spiritual Path  ( this is an introduction to Monty’s Book, The Way of the Faithful ( Novalis, 2017)

    3. What Happens When We Pray

    4.The Stories We Live By, using the Incarnation Meditation of the 2nd Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

    5. Living with suffering and hope 

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 125

    Retreat Director:   Fr Moses Kan, SJ

    甘国栋神父带领 四天三夜 祈祷工作坊
    日期/时间: 2024年6月13日(6pm) ~6月16日 (5pm)
    地点:Villa Dominic (10km Genting View, 69000 Genting Highlands)
    费用: 马币460 (马来西亚公民) 新币460 (非马来西亚公民)
    1)点击以下link完成此Google form表格,并回答其中问题, 然后呈交SUBMIT

Conference Prayer Retreat (Onsite) 2024

Conference Prayer Retreats are preached retreats. There will be presentations each day, time for individual prayer and reflection, and opportunity to be guided by the facilitator and spiritual companion. Conference retreats help to introduce the retreatant to exterior and interior silence, and to make a sacred space where God can engage them in closer relationship with Him.

Following are the upcoming Onsite Conference Prayer Retreat in 2024: 

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ ,  Bro Gerard Choo, SJ

    Although your life can be hectic sometimes, you don’t need to go to a monastery or search for a deserted place in the woods to pray. You simply need to make a transition of focus so that you can become more in tune with God’s presence in your activities. St. Ignatius of Loyola taught a form of reflective prayer, also known as meditation, that invites you to use your mind and imagination to engage in prayerful conversation with God and to recognize his presence in your daily life.

    Come and pray this way; it will make a difference in how you see yourself, the world, and your relationship with God who has known and loves you.

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim

    Have you got a chance to be away to spend some quiet time amidst life’s busy schedule and expectations? How about spending some time and having a vacation with the Lord? Come as you are, to give opportunities to God to let you taste the goodness of His Divine Love. This weekend retreat is designed to guide you through various methods of prayer to be still, to use imagination while praying with scripture, to find God through nature, and to see God by reflecting on our ordinary daily experiences. There will be practical instruction sessions on prayer, time for private prayer, and an opportunity for conversation with a prayer guide.

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)


    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    A relaxing and quiet time spent with the Lord in prayer. Just one simple input a day and the rest of the day you use it as you feel needed in prayer and relaxation.

    Check-in on Thur (6pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh

    We will use the metaphor of the life of a tree to prayerfully connect with our spiritual lives. Through guided prayer and immersing in nature, we will explore an organic and holistic spirituality, encountering a creative, personal and active God in our midst.

    “I can grow my interior life with God, so that it is rooted in love, reaches out, becomes fruitful and disperses seeds of the Spirit” (Michael Hansen SJ) 

    Check-in on Thur (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh

    Retreat Director: Nita Ng

    Come explore creative ways of Being with God and begin to "Find God in All Things".

    Note: Please bring your Bible, journal, pen, paper, colored pencils, crayons, and art block according to your preferences.

    Nita Ng is a full-time retreat and spiritual director attached to Jesuit and Ignatian retreat centers for 18 years. She has contributed to spirituality and spiritual direction-related publications. She offers retreats, workshops, spiritual direction, training, and supervising others to be "Compassionate Listeners", in English and Chinese, and online.

    Check-in on Thur (6.00 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2.00 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ ,  Bro Gerard Choo, SJ

    “The Spiritual Exercises” refers to both a book and a retreat experience.

    During the 1520’s, St. Ignatius Loyola began writing about the emotions that took hold of him — feelings of gratitude and anguish, consolation and sadness — while encountering the Scriptures. Those meditations eventually became The Spiritual Exercises, which were first published in 1548.
    The Spiritual Exercises are meant to be experienced, not read. That experience is called a “retreat,” and it can take several forms. We propose an introductory experience - “The SpEx Lite”. This conference retreat will take you through this experience.

    Come and experience these spiritual exercises with great openness to the Lord.

    Check-in on Wed (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM800 (SGD800 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim

    Have you got a chance to be away to spend some quiet time amidst life’s busy schedule and expectations? How about spending some time and having a vacation with the Lord? Come as you are, to give opportunities to God to let you taste the goodness of His Divine Love. This weekend retreat is designed to guide you through various methods of prayer to be still, to use imagination while praying with scripture, to find God through nature, and to find God by reflecting on our ordinary daily experiences. There will be practical instruction sessions on prayer together with time for private prayer and an opportunity for conversation with a prayer guide.

    Check-in on Wed (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sat (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)  

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Francis Lim, SJ

    - Prinsip doa Ignasian yang diperkenalkan oleh St Ignatius of Loyola
    - Kekhasan doa Ignasian ialah menemukan Tuhan dalam segala hal
    - Berkontemplasi menggunakan Alkitab dengan cara imaginasi

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM400

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)  

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Although your life can be hectic sometimes, you don’t need to go to a monastery or search for a deserted place in the woods to pray. You could transition focus to become more in tune with God’s presence in your activities. St. Ignatius of Loyola taught a form of reflective prayer, also known as meditation, that invites you to use your mind and imagination to engage in prayerful conversation with God and to recognize his presence in your daily life.

    Come and pray this way. It will make a difference in the way you see yourself, the world, and your relationship with God who has known and loves you.

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    A relaxing and quiet time spent with the Lord in prayer. Just one simple input a day and the rest of the day you use it in prayer and relaxation.

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Francis Lim, SJ

    This retreat is based on the life example of St Joseph as a family man, provider, and guardian of his family. People can “Go to Joseph” to:
    - spend time with him and the God who guided him,
    - reflect and pray on his role and their roles in their families,
    - share their struggles with him and with each other in the retreat.

    Check-in on Thur (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session

Directed Prayer Retreat (Onsite) 2024

Directed Prayer Retreats are meant for individuals who have an understanding of Ignatian spirituality and the way of praying and discerning as taught by St Ignatius. They should be comfortable with silence and be able to pray within a structured time frame on their own. It is advisable for an individual to have experienced an individually guided retreat (of 3-day or 5-day) before undertaking an 8-day retreat.

The person making a Directed retreat should be able to share his or her prayer experiences with the Spiritual Companion during spiritual direction.  There will be no input session for this retreat.  However, each individual is expected to meet the spiritual companion for about 30-45 minutes daily during the entire retreat.

Check-in: 6.00 pm on the first day 

Check-out: 2.00 pm on the last day

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ ,  Bro Gerard Choo, SJ


    Date: Jan 20 - 29, 2024

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600

    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim


    Date: Jan 24 - 27, 2024

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 600

    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 400

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1000 (SGD1000 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Cecilia Chai

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Fr Moses Kan, SJ

    地点: Maranatha House of Prayer
    避靜介紹:天主按照祂的肖像造了人,在信仰中人卻鮮少去探索這個主題。這次避靜幫助你在釐清自己的圖像中看到天主的肖像,和祂對談感受歸屬感,使自己真的成為天父所愛的子女。若望一書 3:1
    神師: 甘国栋神父
    灵修指导: 甘国栋神父,叶佩兰
    费用: 马幣800 (马来西亚公民)
             新幣800 (非马来西亚民)

    (Registration Full)

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD1600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1000 (SGD1000 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm)

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm)

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD1600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Cecilia Chai

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm)

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm)

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 800 (SGD800 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm)

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1000 (SGD1000 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm)

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1000 (SGD1000 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat.)

    Register This Session

Directed Prayer Retreat (Onsite) 2025

Directed Prayer Retreats are meant for individuals who have an understanding of Ignatian spirituality and the way of praying and discerning as taught by St Ignatius. They should be comfortable with silence and be able to pray within a structured time frame on their own. It is advisable for an individual to have experienced an individually guided retreat (of 3-day or 5-day) before undertaking an 8-day retreat.

The person making a Directed retreat should be able to share his or her prayer experiences with the Spiritual Companion during spiritual direction.  There will be no input session for this retreat.  However, each individual is expected to meet the spiritual companion for about 30-45 minutes daily during the entire retreat.

Check-in: 6.00 pm on the first day 

Check-out: 2.00 pm on the last day

The following are the upcoming onsite Directed Prayer Retreats in 2025:

    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1000 (SGD 1000 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD 1600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Retreat Director: Fr Ramon, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD 1600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD 1600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr Moses Kan, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1800 (SGD 1800 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session

Conference Retreat (Onsite) 2025

Conference Prayer Retreats are preached retreats. There will be presentations each day, time for individual prayer and reflection, and the opportunity to be guided by the facilitator and spiritual companion. Conference retreats help to introduce the retreatant to exterior and interior silence, and to make a sacred space where God can engage them in a closer relationship with Him.

The following are the upcoming onsite Conference Prayer Retreats in 2025: 

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Francis Lim, SJ

    Mary experienced two conceptions: the first in her mind when she first contemplated the Son of God, and the second in her womb when she physically conceived Jesus. The first one we all share, and the second one exclusive to her. Only she conceived and bnore Jesus as a mother; but we all have had Christ conceived in our minds, in our souls, and in our actions. In that sense, Mary serves as our model. We are spiritually Christ-bearers, bearing the Jesus whom we encounter in our minds, in our souls and in our actions to others.

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Monday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim

    Have you got a chance to be away to spend some quiet time amidst life’s busy schedule and expectations? How about spending some time and having a vacation with the Lord? Come as you are, to give opportunities to God to let you taste the goodness of His Divine Love. This weekend retreat is designed to guide you through various methods of prayer to be still, to use imagination while praying with scripture, to find God through nature, and to see God by reflecting on our ordinary daily experiences. There will be practical instruction sessions on prayer, time for private prayer, and an opportunity for conversation with a prayer guide.

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM400 (SGD400 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    This retreat aimed to provide a quiet and restful time with the Lord away from your tired and stressful schedule. There will only be one short conference per day to offer you points for your prayer and reflection. The remaining time of the day is for you to rest and spend time with the Lord.

    Check-in on Thursday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Prayer as Relationship with God: Do you feel that you are caught in a loop when it come to prayer and you are not moving forward? Do you wonder why prayer work for some people - they and their life changed, while not so for others? This retreat explain the meaning of prayer and guide you through prayer methods of the Ignatian tradition that may help improve your prayer life.

    Check-in on Thursday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session

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