Ignatian Spirituality

Ignatian spirituality evolved from the conversion experiences of Inigo Lopez de Loyola, a Basque nobleman, and soldier, in 16th century Spain. After his conversion, he changed his name to Ignatius and pledged his life to serve God, the Divine Majesty. He recorded his experiences in his journal, known later as the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, and helped others to make the Exercises as a way of deepening relationship with God, by following Jesus.

Ignatius’ life story and the Spiritual Exercises have helped many through the centuries to process their own spiritual journey and response to spiritual intimacy and union with God.

The Examen is a prayer of consciousness/awareness of where God is in one’s day and life. It is a prayer that Ignatius recommended that Jesuits and Ignatian laypersons make to review their day.

Whatever you are doing, that which makes you feel the most alive... that is where God is.

- Ignatius of Loyola